Friday, May 15, 2015

Teatro de Binondo (1847)

A theater company of natives and mestizos has  been organized, and the company performs Spanish dramas and comedies. The plays are not good enough to catch the attention of the Europeans. Neither are they so bad to cause endless laughter. Thus, one can experience more hours of entertainment here that  in the old one at Arroceros. One can be convinced that the company is achieving more than can be expected from people who have not seen real plays and have no script  to guide them. Especially if one notices the huge difference between a native and a comedian, or the bad Spanish they speak as their intonation is naturally languid, especially the women who have a high-pitched voices. They also dance Spanish national dances, and they are superior to the dancers of India and China, who, undoubtedly, can also attract a lot of attention.

José Honrato Lozano
Álbum Vistas de las Yslas Filipinas

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